Backstitch Quilts

Backstitch Quilts


A little about me!

Me and My Boys

Me and My Boys

How I learned to make quilts!

HI! I’m Amanda and I wear a lot of hats! First, I’m a Christian, then I am a wife to my loving husband Chris and a mother to my two young boys, Luke and Daniel.  I’m also an ultrasound tech at Christus Trinity Mother Francis Hospital, a rancher with my husband at Oliver Miniature Acres and I’m a quilter. There are just not enough hours in the day, but we make it work. 

A little background about my quilting world. My mother bought fabric every where we went and she sewed and quilted a variety of things. Mainly she was getting all set up for stuff to do during retirement but honestly I think she works harder now than ever before and quilts even less. So I inadvertently learned more than I realized. 

Fast forward to 2017. I was pregnant with my second son and I had a very scary diagnosis what included a chance of me dying. So I guess I did what any mother would do with a 2 year old and made an amazing Big Boy Room. It was equipped with a Barn Bed and a Custom Quilt, only the quilt was well over $700. I needed him to know that I loved him so much. Fast forward again......10 hours of surgery, me 2 weeks in the hospital and 2 months later we finally bring Baby Daniel home from Texas Childrens Hospital in Houston, a mountain of credit card debt and hospital bills to follow. A year later I decided that Daniel was also going to need a Big Boy room too! With plenty of time to look and design, I landed on a Cowboys and Indians room, FYI he thinks he’s more Indian than Cowboy and I would have to agree. After another year of slowly buying the required supplies, my best friend, Mary Annis, agrees to make his quilt. So she asks one day, “Do you want to sew a couple of lines that way you can say you helped?”. Well of course I did. So a couple of straight lines eventually turned into blocks and then a quilt. Three quilts later I have my very own Brother sewing Machine and check out my BLOG to see what all I’ve done!

Feel free to contact me about quilts I have for sale or up coming projects.

By Amanda Homann